Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Final Project

I created 2 interviews including answers to questions that I sent out to my family to try and gain some information on my ancestors. My First Interview was sent to Marilyn and Ed Pepper who are on my Dad's side. My Second Interview was sent to my Grandma Carole who is my mom's mom. After I sent those interview transcripts, I sent a Persuasive Letter to all of my family members. Next, I created a Family Tree to display as many family members I could. After that I created a Family Prezi. Then I made a Family Infographic to show where my family lives and facts about my family. Then the last thing I created was a 5 Frame Story Board. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Poverty Infographic

Monday, December 2nd

Journal - Where are you right now on your "Who Do You Think You Are" project? What did you do over the break for the project? Did you interview anyone? Use the checklist below to figure out what you have finished, what you are still working on and what you still have to do. 

Right now in my project I am collecting photos for my Prezi. I have responses to all my emails and all I have to do is add photos to my Prezi then after that I will begin to work on my infographic.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15th

Here's how you will vote:
  1. Create a new post on your blog.
  2. Create a list of the top three people who's video you liked the best
  3. Include the following information:
    • Student's Name
    • Video Idea
    • Why you believe it is one of the best in the class
  4. Submit your post to your blog

1. Claire Shafran: I thought her video was really good with the different colors and eating the muffin and I liked the music.
2. Katie Gemperli: drawing, it had a lot of pictures and a lot of details.
3. Nicole Hagel: passing notes, she took a lot of pictures with different colored posted notes and it looked cool.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13th

Journal - How did you stop motion animation turn out? If you could give it a grade, what would you give it out of 60 points? What did you learn from creating this video?

My stop motion animation video turned out pretty good, overall I would give it 55 points out of 60 because a few pictures in the video show my feet which wasn't supposed to happen. I learned that when you make a stop motion animation video, it looks so much better when you take lots and lots of pictures. Also, setting each picture to just last less than half a second is the best to make your video look like its really in motion. Overall my video turned out the way I wanted it to. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Monday, November 11th

Journal - How far along are you on your stop motion animation? What did you do over the weekend to work on you stop motion animation? Do you have all your pictures today? Will you have all your pictures by the end of the hour? Give me a detailed updated.

I was gone over the weekend so I did not get a chance to take my pictures. I have a plan on what I want my video to look like and I have a camera to use. I'm taking my pictures tonight.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6th

Journal - What story will your storyboard tell? Explain in detail.

My storyboard will tell how to make cookies. First, you put the cookie dough in a bowl. Secondly, you spray the pan. Third, you make balls with the cookie dough and put it on the pan. Fourth, you put the cookies in the oven for 14 minutes. And lastly, you take the cookies out and eat them.