Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th

Journal - Most students view citing work as 'a pain in the butt'. How do you feel about it? Is it necessary? When is it appropriate to cite work? What's the importance of it?

When it comes to citing work, I think it's only necessary when you take exact words or sentences from a website. Although teachers think citing work is very important, even if you only use a few words or even if you got some ideas from a website, I only think its important to cite the website if you took exact words from it. Also, when citing, I think its necessary to only copy and paste the website that you used. The important of citing work is so that the person writing the paper, isn't getting all the credit for all the things they said in a paper. Citing work proves that the writer used someone else's words or ideas to put into their paper.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th

Journal - What is your favorite book, magazine, or publication? Why?

I don't have a favorite book but I like reading magazines that have famous singers and celebrities in them. I don't read many magazines either but when I do it usually has breaking news about different celebrities and what they are doing or who they are dating.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23rd

Journal - Do you enjoy writing? What kind of writing do you enjoy? Why is writing an essential skill in life? How will you use this skill in the future?

I enjoy writing because it allows me to express all my thoughts and feelings without having to say them out loud. I enjoy writing more than I enjoy doing science or math related activities and my favorite thing to do is to free write about anything I want. Another type of writing that I enjoy more is reflecting. Writing a reflecting over a project, class, or even over the whole school year I would enjoy. Writing is an essential skill in life because if you are trying to get an important job and you have to write them an email, you want to show them that you are professional and educated by having formal writing skills. It's also essential in high school and college. I will use my writing skill in the future to type research papers and send important emails.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17th

Journal - What is creating an outline for a paper important? Do you think it helps you personally? How would you prefer to outline a paper - pen and paper or an online tool? Is there a different way you know if that would prefer to organize your thoughts?

Creating an outline for your paper allows you to organize your thoughts before you write/type the paper. Without an outline you may not discuss all of the needed information or add too much off topic information. Outlines are important to keep the paper organized and clean. I personally like to outline my papers before I write them because I think in the end it takes less time to write the paper. I can check off things on my outline that  I have already included in my paper and then know what else there is that needs to be typed. I prefer to outline my papers with pen and paper rather than online. Online is harder to access whereas a piece of paper I can pull out at any time of the day. I don't know of other ways to organize my ideas. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th

Journal - Tell me about your weekend. Where did you go? What did you do?

This weekend I went to St. Louis for a horse show. I left Thursday morning and got there Thursday afternoon. I rode with one of the top trainers that night and the next day I started showing. I showed all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When I say I "showed" I mean that I competed in a class riding one of my horses. This past weekend was a really important one because it was the start of a new year in gaining points for different classes, and the big Saturday night equitation class determined whether you qualify for the finals at the National Horse Show in Kentucky. When I wasn't riding, I was hanging with my friends at the show, learning courses, doing homework, or just hanging back at the barn isle with the rest of my barn and barn hands.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11th

Journal - Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you?

The person I look up to the most would be my dad. He has always been there for me even when he wasn't physically with me. I know I can always go to him with anything I have a problem with and I know he'll give me the best advice anyone could give. He always tells me what his opinion is on something and he gives me different perspectives to everything. My dad does everything he can to help guide me through life and make the right choices. He's been through a lot in his life so he gives great advice and he's always there for me when I need him.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th

Journal - What is good email etiquette and why is it essential in the "real" world? How can having good email etiquette put you ahead?

Good email etiquette is having correct punctuation and grammar and having an introduction to the email such as: Dear or Hello. Having good email etiquette is really important in the real world because if you have to send an email for a potential job opportunity, you want to make it seem like your educated by writing a proper email. Having good email etiquette shows a lot about the person too. It shows they have good manners and that they're smart. Good email etiquette will take you far into the real world.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Friday, August 30th

Journal - What are your hobbies and extra curricular activities? Where do you spend your free time? Tell me three of your favorite things (movies, TV show, magazine, sport, color, etc.)

My hobby is horseback riding. It takes up most of my time during the weeks and weekends so I don't have time for anything else. Iv'e been riding for eleven years and I go out of town several times during the school year to compete competitively. During the summer, I go out of state for 2-3 weeks straight. But when I do, I like hanging out with my sisters or friends, listening to music, and playing basketball. I spend most of my free time at the barn riding or with friends. My three favorite TV shows are Awkward, Vampire Diaries, and Grey's Anatomy. I like the color blue and I don't read magazines but when I do they are usually Taylor Swift magazines. 

Tuesday, September 3rd

Journal - On Friday we discussed Public Service Announcements. In your own words tell me what they are and what their purpose is. If you could create a PSA what would your topic be? Why?

A public service announcement is a big announcement that is supposed to get around to a big group of people and is supposed to spread within a school or community. Usually public service announcements have to do with an event that is going on or going to be happening in the future. If I made a public service announcement it would be about community service or an event that I want people to come to.