Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17th

Journal - What is creating an outline for a paper important? Do you think it helps you personally? How would you prefer to outline a paper - pen and paper or an online tool? Is there a different way you know if that would prefer to organize your thoughts?

Creating an outline for your paper allows you to organize your thoughts before you write/type the paper. Without an outline you may not discuss all of the needed information or add too much off topic information. Outlines are important to keep the paper organized and clean. I personally like to outline my papers before I write them because I think in the end it takes less time to write the paper. I can check off things on my outline that  I have already included in my paper and then know what else there is that needs to be typed. I prefer to outline my papers with pen and paper rather than online. Online is harder to access whereas a piece of paper I can pull out at any time of the day. I don't know of other ways to organize my ideas. 

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